I've focused on the fact that Castle is a rubber stamp for George Bush and some have taken that as proof that I don't support Dennis Spivack.
That is nonsense. If you are a constant reader of Delawareliberal you know that I have constantly pointed out that Spivack is a great Democrat and a great candidate. So don't project delawareliberal's myopia and faults onto Spivack.
Now, I know some liberals want to vote for John F. Kennedy and everyone else sucks. These liberals would allow the quest for the "perfect" to kill off the "good". I'm a little more practical than that. But for anyone who thinks I've been too Anti-Castle and insufficiently pro-Spivack click
here and
The Bottom Line: Spivack is a Democrat who has run this race to focus the debate on the issues that are important to Delawareans:
In his words:
"...health care, homeland security, education, energy, and our economy. We need real reform now, and I intend to deliver a major dose of reality to our leadership in Washington, D.C. when I go there as Delaware's Congressman." Some people want to focus on personalities. Some think that I've fallen in that trap harping on Castle. I'd say I've been harping on Castle's horrible, terrible, really indefensible record, but everyone is diffferent.