Every person who is not in a coma or "on the take" agrees that the the Bush/Castle years have been absolute disaster. What to do about this disaster is a matter that reasonable people can have a wide range of opinions on.
However, in practical(1) terms, the best thing we can do to help return the country to pursuit of its highest and best ideals is to defeat Michael Castle. Michael Castle is Bush's dependable rubber stamp and has voted with the administration on every war resolution that has come around.

Castle must be comforted that Delaware's liberal and progressives are not unified in their opposition to him. At a time when is reactionary voting record has been laid bare by events Karen Hartley-Nagel and Michael Berg seem poised to peel votes away from
Dennis Spivack that could be vital to his victory.
Of course it is not fated to turn out that way. Karen Hartly-Nagle and Michael Berg could decide that beating Michael Castle is more important than having their egos stroked over the next few weeks. They could move a respectable number of votes and energy into the Spivack camp in a concerted effort to dislodge the truly loathsome Michael Castle. I don't think they will, but they could.

Castle is beatable this year and they have a window of opportunity in the next day or two to play a role in his defeat, if they pass on that opportunity it seems likely that they will be playing a role in continuing the Bush/Castle's reign of cruel idiocy.
(1) By "practical" I mean "capable of being put into practice" "doable", "sensible". Now, I know a lot of liberals have grievances against the Democratic party, and have left the party in protest over its accomodationist stance toward George Bush. (Believe me, I've been tempted to do that myself.) However, the fact remains that the Democratic Party has the party structure and the resources to challenge right-wing Republicans. Taking a third party stance might sooth your liberal conscience - but in he end it helps George Bush, Karl Rove and Michael Castle continue in their malfeasance. That is a simple fact.