Wow! You can just feel the Ferris-wheels-a-turning! It seems that the state's Republicans are just spazzing out with excitement over Ferris. And check out this picture the GOP is sending around... you notice how an aura of holy purity envelopes him?
No wonder the Dt's of the world are seeing signs and miracles all about, "he's the most qualified person ever to run for AG."
Mike at
Down With Absolutes was the first to call bullshit on all of this idolatry.
As for me, I like my anon commenter who said,
"Vast experience successfully prosecuting psychopathic murderers, which as you know is our greatest crime problem here in Delaware. You can hardly leave the house without seeing them leering at you from behind their hockey masks.
Oh, also great success in prosecuting political corruption. Why, just look at how the Gordberry case - oh wait, that was a mistrial. Not the prosecution's fault, of course! OK then, just look at all the other political corruption and white-collar crime he's tried. Why there's... um, and... ahh, I'll get back to you on that.