Democrats Make Big Gains in Generic Ballot - Political WireThe latest Diageo Hotline Poll shows congressional Democrats making major gains, more than doubling their generic ballot advantage over Republicans to 15 points, up from just 7 points last month....and this from rasmussenreports.comFrom a political perspective, President Bush's national security credentials have clearly been tarnished due to the outcry over this issue. For the first time ever, Americans have a slight preference for Democrats in Congress over the President on national security issues. Forty-three percent (43%) say they trust the Democrats more on this issue today while 41% prefer the President. The generic ballot thing does not mean much alone, but it is clear that the UAE ports deal seems to have cleared up some things in the public mind.
1) Bush TALKS a great game when it comes to National Security but he has not been able to deliver.
2) Bush's loyalty to middle eastern royal familes trumps his loyalty to the Constitution.
3) Republicans can not be trusted to govern.