Well Cheney cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate on a monstrosity called H.R. 2863/S. 1932 which cuts a variety of programs by about $41 billion over five years so
billionaires can enjoy bigger tax cuts.
"It contains provisions affecting millions of Americans, including changes in Medicaid, Medicare, student loans, child support enforcement, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, the foster care program, and others." Here is the good news.
"In maneuvering in advance of the final vote, Democrats succeeded in forcing minor changes. (The changes require) the House to vote on the bill before it can be sent to President Bush for his signature. Passage is all but certain, but the timing remains in question, since most House members have returned home for the holidays."So Castle needs to make a choice. He can either be the moderate he claims to be and vote against this monstrsity that was rammed through the house by the corrupt republican leadership. Or, he can bend over and take another one in the rear from his RNC masters.
Here is my prediction. If the vote is close (within one or two votes) Castle will caste his vote to support his republican masters. If the vote is not close, he will have a change of heart and pretend to be a moderate. Or, I guess, he can just say "I had to catch a train." and duck the vote. Afterall, he might have some commemorative coins to deal with.