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Saturday, October 21, 2006


Grapevine's "Races to Watch" and English translations

Celia gets her usual "teacher's pet B" for "C" work with her bland insider-y take on the races. She is still WAY OFF track on this one:

20th Rep Manolako vs. Korn

Manolakos showed his strength by knocking out an endorsed Republican in a primary that was tantamount to winning the election to replace Rep. Roger P. Roy, a 30-year Republican Safe Republican

Safe Republican...?
Translation: " I hate Korn the way Ting hates Mexicans."

As for the rest, her inside the box thinking is makes it hard for her to get her real thoughts off her chest. As Delaware's foremost Cohenologist I will passed her post throught my "Cohen to English" translation machine and give you her true thoughts:

There are many more races in play than I ever imagined possible. If Democrats nail the GOTV, the DE GOP will have to fold the party and head for the hills.

So you don't think Manolakos will win. Sorry, Jason...I find Celia's "analysis" quite tepid at times, but the odds are on Nick's side. By registrations alone...Hockessin is hardly what I'd call a Democratic stronghold. She's just calling it like it is. I've told Korn it's going to be tough to beat matter how hard he works. There just have to be times when you let the stats do the work for you, and a 40% GOP registration vs. 32% Dem. is pretty strong. Of course, if Korn appeals to a MAJORITY of the independent voters than he can pull it off...but how many of those people are going to show up in a non-presidential election?!?
Mike, the registrations make it a "Leans Republican" not safe Republican.

Korn blew it taking out Moore int he primary and may have his handsful with Manolokos - but safe Republican? No Republican should feel safe with Korn on the loose.
So if the registrations were 60% GOP and 20% would still be LEANS GOP? I think you're trying to rationalize this into Korn's corner a bit too easily, Jason. Precedent shows that this race is Manolakos' to lose. Safe Republican is an adequate identifier -- even coming from a nefarious critter like Celia.
An additional factor is Manolakos' long history in the district vs. Korn's short tenure. I'm not calling Korn a carpetbagger, I'm simply saying that if you've lived here longer, you're likely to know more people personally and more likely to have had contact with more voters. Same thing goes for Feroce and Vaughn. More people in the 14th probably know Vaughn, which, in that case is good for the GOP.

Both Feroce and Korn start with a deficit based on their "newcomer" status. Feroce seems to have made up that deficit with shoe leather. I don't really know what the status of the 20th race is, but Celia's not off her rocker with her rating when you factor in that deficit with the registration advantage.
Just don't tell Ferris that it all comes down to registration. Poor guy.
"I'm not calling Korn a carpetbagger, I'm simply saying that if you've lived here longer, you're likely to know more people personally and more likely to have had contact with more voters. Same thing goes for Feroce and Vaughn."

Allsopp has lived in the 14th about 10 times longer than Feroce the Carpetbagger. If you count Feroce's actual time in the district versus just residence probably even less.

Feroce will say or do anything to get elected. His open government claims are just a ploy because he sees that as the latest rage to capitalize on. If no one else was talking about it do you think Feroce would be saying it?

Feroce may pay lip service to open government but he will be angling to be the new old boy network trying to ass-suck his way to higher office. Just like Carper a slick carpetbagger filled with shit.

We don't need to install a new crook like Feroce to entrench himself in the ass groove of an old crook.

This guy has to be a royal con artist to have snowed so many people even his holiness Burris.
Feroce may pay lip service to open government but he will be angling to be the new old boy network trying to ass-suck his way to higher office. Just like Carper a slick carpetbagger filled with shit.
my sentiments to a tee.....who the hell thinks this guy is genuine??

Allsopp is great, she will do the job as a people's advocate.
Vaughn is supposed to retire after election anyway with the sudden appearance of Stephanie Hansen, realty lawyer for one of the few big law firms who get all of the property re-zoning work (she was president of county council, has worked for DNREC and now is married to the worst corrption in office mess - Chris Roaberts....we are talking damaged goods here folks.
Nancy -

Get off that Hansen thing. It is not happening. If Vaughn wins (not likley) there would be a special election if he can't fill his term. Nobody gets appointed to a Rep spot.
Korn is a using his Long Island style campaigning here in Hockessin. He says he'll sue, to keep the opponent at bay. This is what he does. Now, he gets his proxies to try to get the opponent fired from his job. Don't believe he is not involved, because his fingerprints are all over the letter.

Really, do you think that the Hockessin voters don't see through it?? Korn is a bad seed. Trying to get someone fired from their job is just too much. Whatever his positions are on the issues aren't important. He is a dirtbag and we don't need him in Delaware.
Feroce will say or do anything to get elected. His open government claims are just a ploy because he sees that as the latest rage to capitalize on. If no one else was talking about it do you think Feroce would be saying it?

This is actually not true. John Feroce and I got in a private argument over the fact that I wasn't favor of open government ENOUGH. We strongly disagreed over the concept of initiative and referendum, which he is strongly for and I am not so strongly for. He gained nothing in his race by having this argument, so you can take it to the bank that he is 100% for open government.

This guy has to be a royal con artist to have snowed so many people even his holiness Burris.

It's not me he needs to worry about. I don't vote in his district.
Don;t let cettian people kno that you don't favor of open government ENOUGH.

It could be bad.
Well, "enough" is a subjective word. I have serious concerns about initiative and referendum. I've seen how that process has been manipulated in California and other states by corporations and labor unions, and I worry that Delaware would be seen as an easy target, since it would cost far less to "buy" a referendum in Delaware. I need to be assuaged of those concerns before I jump on that particular bandwagon.

But believe me, Feroce is already on that bandwagon. In fact, he may be driving the bus.
Isn't Korn the guy who lost to the Indicted Sherry Freeberry in the 04 primary?

How did he become "super-candidate" in 06?

(answer - lots of blog hype)
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