Michael Newbold Castle is supposed to be 10,000 feet tall and unconcerned with what Dennis Spivack says and does. So get a load of the pissy-ass reaction that
Joe Ragolsky captured when he asked Castle about this Spivack comment:
"President Bush promised years ago that he would veto this legislation and Mike Castle still decided that Bush was the best man for the job."
Rep. Castle brushes aside the accusations that he blindly follows the president and conservative leaders, pointing to numerous studies that regularly rank him as one of the most moderate members of Congress.
"To say I am not independent is just absurd," the congressman said. "It's so absurd I hope he keeps saying it for the rest of the campaign."Okay. That "numerous studies" line is just hilarious and gives you an idea of how self-important the guy is (infact he probably reading this right now - Hi Mike!). But the telling part is the pissy little
""It's so absurd I hope he keeps saying it" part.
As I said in an earlier post, when Castle's reaction to Spivack will take place in stages and this is
Stage 1: The personal pronoun. Castle can't yet bring himself to use Spivack's name. Saying "Dennis" or "Dennis Spivack" or "Mr. Spivack" is
Stage 2. If Castle ever gets
Stage 3: The Negative Attack Ad, you know Spivack is within three percentage points.