I just heard the Ferris Wharton ad on WDEL. I've heard of candidates taking the low road, but Ferris (or probably the evil morons who are running his campaign) started out on the low road and brought in excavating equipment to create an even lower road.
The ad has all the classic hallmarks of a republican smear job. The ominous music. The very concerned sounding announcer. The half-truths presented with deadly earnestness.
BUT this ad even went farther. This is when they brought in the excavating equipment.
In this ad we find out that some republican dirty trick artists have introduced legislation that would prevent Beau Biden from serving as AG if elected. How crazy is that? Republicans, at long last have you no shame?
If Wharton picked the people who wrote this ad, he clearly does not have the judgment or discernment required to be AG. If he was saddled with these evil morons by the GOP - he needs to start sending out pink slips.