I'm going to be on Dace Blaskovitz's new show on WILM "Money & Politics Delaware" at 3:30. It is looking like it is going to be a regular gig. Today we are going to be talking about blogging, so you can bet I'm going to be talking about your blog.
Be sure to listen in so you can snark on how much I sucked.
UPDATE II I got preempted by
Robert Aurbach who is working with Ruth Ann to get our crappy worker's comp system updated.
"Senate Bill 362 is a comprehensive reform of the current system of workers’ compensation in Delaware. This reform will address the high workers’ compensation premiums paid by business owners (Delaware has the 7th highest in the nation) while still protecting and rehabilitating injured workers."It was some eye opening stuff, and if it passes it sounds like trial lawers will be taking one on the chin. It all goes to show that Democrats (even RAM with all her faults) have better ideas and are more interested in solving problems than the Republicans.