For the record I don't care what Ryan Silberstein thinks about Jan Ting. What bothers me is that he is a dangerous wack job who thinks it would be
a good idea for the US to invade Venezuela "purely for their oil".
In that way he is a typical Republican who lives in a cartoon land of his own imagination where wars are more pastime than tragedy. Even with the unfolding debacle that is IRAQ, he confidently asserts that an American invasion of Venzeuela (and/or Mexico and/or Iran) would magically cure a whole range of economic and social ills. This is the spawn of George Bush. A generation of conservatives who have even less regard for cause and effect than they have for the Constitution. Everything is ideology and theory for them. Practical reality will be given no quarter.
I don't think maniacs and morons like Ryan Silberstein and Glenn Reynolds are new to American politics, but what is new is the fact that they are treated as legitimate voices. There was a time in America when the unhinged and clearly uniformed members of the GOP were marginalized and shunned.
Now they are the heroes.