I'm watching McCain's SRLC speech on CSPAN right now, and while I once thought that the GOP would implode rather than nominate McCain, I think it is obvious that he is going to win the nomination in a walk.
Here it is:
1) He cut a deal with Rove back in 2000 - so he is the heir to the Rove machine.
2) He's got a plan - keep the Bush lies alive. Be like Bush and don't allow reality to drive events.
3) He's got tons of money, and
4) He's got a message that Republicans are sure to warm up to. The message is: "The Democrats are the real enemy."
I thought hard core wing nuts would never consider McCain, but he used most of his speech to bash Congressional Dems. If he keeps that up the brainless zombies will be easy to win back.
He cracked the code so he is the guy. McCain is going to try win the nomination by holding the fantasy world that Bush built together and by being the new cheerleader for the Neo Con fantasy of American power and our inability to be anything other than good.
Sorry Condi, Fristy and Romney. It is over.