THIS IS NOT ->Delawareliberal


Monday, February 20, 2006


Why Delaware Continues to Send a Bush Lackey (Michael Castle) to Congress

Delaware is a blue state. This SurveyUSA poll clearly shows that Delawareans are "on to" Bush. Nevertheless Bush lackey, Michael Castle easily cruises to reelection year after year. Why?

Delathought provides a number of the puzzle pieces in this post, and an anon poster fits them into place.

"... it strikes me that Castle's non-moderate budget and tax votes are very likely the result of a deal - i.e, the price he has to pay for being granted permission to (ineffectually) take moderate positions on other issues less important to GOP leadership.

GOP leadership is highly motivated to play along with Castle's occasional "moderate" votes, because that's how Castle keeps his seat in a blue state. Without the occasional covering "moderate" vote, Castle's seat would surely be filled by a Democrat.

This is a "perfect storm" year for the Democrats. If they can't get Castle out this year, they never will.
I don't think Castle is in any serious danger this year.

My only beef with Castle is that he is a Republican, and therefore contributes to the GOP majority. If Republicans were safely a minority in the House, I would vote for Castle in a heartbeat. But as jason says, Castle is a cog in a Republican machine, and on that basis alone I have to vote against him.

I think Castle is exactly what he appears to be - he is a socially liberal but loyal Republican. I believe his moderate positions are 100% principled, and not just pandering to his Delaware constituents. On the other hand, I believe his budget and tax votes come more from his "loyal Republican" side and less from his principled side. I doubt Mike Castle truly believes in cutting taxes for the rich or cutting programs for the poor. But as long as he votes that way, I have to hold him accountable.
Hello, pour une fois je crois avoir trouv� un Cabinet d'incorporation dans le Delaware qui est install� depuis 10 ans � Miami et qui parle en fran�ais.
Ce doit �tre un bon plan car juste en demandant sur un moteur comme Yahoo : defiscalisation j'ai �t� j'ai trouv� tout de suite USACOMPANYCORPORATION.COM ou une autre adresse qui m�ne au m�me site : usa-corm.comdefiscalisation
Hello, pour une fois je crois avoir trouv� un Cabinet d'incorporation dans le Delaware qui est install� depuis 10 ans � Miami et qui parle en fran�ais.
Ce doit �tre un bon plan car juste en demandant sur un moteur comme Yahoo : delaware j'ai �t� j'ai trouv� tout de suite USACOMPANYCORPORATION.COM ou une autre adresse qui m�ne au m�me site : usa-corm.comdelaware
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