Conservative apologists for this failed administration want you to believe that this Washington Post cartoon is an instance of "the liberal media not supporting the troops". Others say that Rumsfeld is clearly the object of ridicule and the cartoonist is being critical of the way the war is being mismanaged.
To figure out who is correct you have to ask yourself, "Would the right-wing be so mendacious as to hide behind the "you don't support the troops" straw man just to cover-up BushCo's lying and incompetent execution of this war ?" Hmmm...?
UPDATE: Mike M. at Down With Absolutes blogs about another cartoon that has people riled up. This time it is religious fanatics who feel that some cartoons published in Danish newspapers merit a violent response. But how far are we away from them? How far is the trip from the joint chiefs denouncing a cartoon to what Mike describes? Not very far I'm afraid.