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Friday, December 23, 2005


Two Apologies

Al's blog does not exactly bring out the best in me. Since Al is a legit MSM journalist it seems to attract the real dregs of the Delawareblogosphere and I find it difficult to let the ignorance and stupidity go uncommented upon if not unpunished.

This is an introduction to my main point which is - I owe Michael Castle and apology. If you read the thread you will see that I got carried away and called Castle a "dress wearing b*tch for George Bush and the radical right wing". While I think there is a great deal of truth in that as a metaphor, it is completely uncalled for language. Moreover I was informed that it can possibly be viewed as a swipe at Castle's sexual orientation. All I know about Castle in that regard is that he is married, so it never occurred to me any mention of a dress could be construed as having some sort of subtext.

Make no mistake, I want Castle to loose the election because he is a cog in a republican machine that is wrecking this country, but I don't want to use republican style smear tactics to see him beat. When all is said and done, he probably thinks he is acting in the best interest of the country, and I have the highest respect for people who take on the burden of public office.

So, while unintended, I apologize to Al for for my lapse in judgment, and I offer Michael Castle and his family a sincere apology for my lapse in decency.

you go Jayse, I was offended to read where you were going in the first statements blog...and I'm a progressive Dem.
Glad to see you eating your least a few of 'em.
When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. The HS wrestler in me comes out around those nut jobs and my sense of competition overtakes my sense of decorum.
Yeesh, you can say that again, you are nothing if not competative...!!!
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