With another round of Iraqi elections in the news, the Bush PR machine is going full-tilt. I was thinking about Bush when I read this, and I was surprised by how much
Woody Allen's take on George Bush agrees with mine.
"I didn't start out with any hostility; I started out rooting for him. I was rooting for him, certainly, after 9/11, and when I was in Europe a few days after Sept. 11 and I was saying, `Well, I hope he'll do a good job, I'm optimistic, I think he will.' He certainly got off to a good start and showed sympathy and enthusiasm and said all the right things. But he didn't. He let the country down brutally.Republican apologists for Bush don't understand that Liberals were rooting for Bush. We all wanted to see America come together and get to work on hunting down terrorists. Then Bush just went off on a crazy neo-con jihad to set up permanent bases in Iraq. He let the country down brutally. Everything since the illegal invasion of Iraq has been just so much PR.